Thoughts on week six.

Week six’s activities asked us to write up the interviews from an earlier week and turn them into a Storify article. The link to my article is: At first, I found this activity quite challenging. I wasn’t sure whether or not I should remove text in Tweets from the rest of the text. So, […]

Week Five’s Activities

Practical We were asked to ‘browse’ some Storify accounts of interest. Write a short reflection of our set up experience and some of the accounts we review. I had already set up my Storify account earlier in the term so I didn’t have to worry about that. On reflection, it was quite easy to set […]

Thoughts on Week Four

Week Four’s activities were fun and challenging all at once. I was still sick so the going was tough but I’ve managed to scrape through the week. This week we had to find two people who would let us interview them. We also had to take their photo to put  with the interview onto WordPress, […]

The Interviews

Important Stuff and Each to Their Own Upon asking my mother and my partner the same question this week: ‘What are the most important things to you,’ their answers were quite different. My 76 year old mother, retired Director of Nursing, Lynne Hogg answered the question with a laugh, Mum said : “sex, drugs and […]

Thoughts on Week Three

Well, this week was a hard one. I am sick and reading is very difficult, but I must keep going or I will fall behind. And this, is way too distressing to think about. This week’s quiz seemed harder than the last one. I blame this on being sick. My first attempt at it gave […]